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History of Robotics at Helix Charter High School

Around 2010 to 2012, Helix had a previous Robotics Team called the Scot Bots. With advisors of Mr. McElfresh and Mr. Dartland, the team competed in FTC (First Tech Challenge). After most of the team graduated and both Mr. McElfresh and Mr. Dartland had more responsibilities in their lives, the robotics team/club had to disband as there wasn't enough support. 

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As Mr. Moore, the newest robotics teacher, took over the robotics class, a few students (Miguel Talamantez, Mahmoud Salem, Denise Faddis, Bella Smith, and Alex Chau) started working to start the program up again as Mr. Moore had too much going on in his transition to a teacher to help start the team.

Equipped with an advisor, a room, and resources provided by the money from the Aspire Program, Helix Robotics finally was back up and running! Meeting on Mondays and Thursdays after school, the newly formed team was able to start their preparation for the Vex Robotics Competition and compete in November.

In the 2016-2017 school year, Ms. Harrington, a biology teacher with experience with robotics, became the robotics teacher as Helix experimented with a basic robotics class. After being moved around campus too many times and a change in career interest, Mrs. Harrington had to move out of robotics and back into biology. Although she moved out of robotics, she was able to influence and motivate a few students to start a robotics team. 

Starting at the end of the 2018-2019 school year and continuing through 2019-2020, robotics started with their temporary advisor, Ms. Bycsek who was willing to help the club even though she didn't have much experience. Students then started to add to the club and become interested in what the group was doing. She was only able to help for a short time though, so with the help of Mrs. Trevino, robotics found a new advisor who was willing to help; Mr. Victor Cortes.


Our lovely advisor Mr. Cortes

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